and says, "All this is mere spellbinding eloquence handed down [from olden times]
And said: This is naught else than magic from of old
Then said he: "This is nothing but magic, derived from of old
saying, “This ˹Quran˺ is nothing but magic from the ancients.
and said, "This is nothing but magic handed down from the past.
and said, This is nothing but sorcery from the ancients
~Then he said: This is naught but enchantment, narrated (from others)
And he said: This is nothing but fabricated old sorcery.
and said: "This is just some magic which has been handed down;
and he said: “This is nothing but a magic from the old,
and said, “This is naught but sorcery handed down
He said, “This is nothing but magic inherited from antiquity.
And said, 'This is nothing but magic from the past
Then he said: “It is nothing but magic being accepted (since times gone-by)
and said: "This is nothing but a magic from the old
So he said, "Decidedly this is nothing except sorcery, transmitted relics
said, "This (the Quran) is nothing but magic, inherited from ancient magicians
then said, .This is nothing but traditional magic
And said, "All this is a remnant of ancient magic
Then said, "It is nothing but (the same old) magic handed down from antiquity."
Then he said: "This is nothing but magic taken from the old
And said, "This is not but magic imitated [from others]
So he said: "This is nothing except the magic of old."
and said, ‘This is just old sorcery
Then he said: naught is this but magic from of old
And said: "This is nothing but the magic of old
He said, ´This is nothing but magic from the past.
And he said: "This is nothing but sorcery (of a sort transmitted from sorcerers) from old times
saying, ‘It is nothing but magic handed down
Then he said, "This is naught but enchantment, narrated of olden days
Then he said: “This (Quran) is only a handed-down magic,
Then said he, “This is nothing but deception, derived from those before
declaring: “This is magic of the ancients;
and said: "This (Qur´an) is merely a sorcery of yore
So he said: "This is nothing except the magic of old."
Then he said, "This is nothing but traditional magic."
And said, 'this is the same magic learnt from old ones'.
He said, "This is but clever magic!
and said: 'This is no more than traced sorcery
Then said: This is naught but magic from an old
So he said: "That truly that (is) except magic/sorcery to be traced (followed/copied) ."
and said: “These words are nothing but usual magic”
And said, “This is nothing but magic learnt from earlier men.”
And said, `This is nothing but magic handed down
Then he said: ‘This (Qur’an) is nothing but magic which is being transmitted from the past (magicians)
And said, `This (Qur'an) is nothing but an age long magic handed down (by tradition)
Then he said: "This is nothing but magic from that of old
He said, 'This is naught but a trumped-up sorcery
and he said, this is no other than a piece of magic, borrowed from others
and said, 'This is only magic exhibited
And said, "This is merely magic that will be wrought
and said: ‘This is but sorcery counterfeited
Then he said, “This is nothing but magic inherited from the past.
Then he said: "This is nothing but mere magical incantation from the magic of the ancients.
And said: this is only handed down magic,
He said, “This is nothing but magic from days of old.
and said, “This is nothing but sorcery from the past.
and said: "This is just some magic which has been handed down;
So he said, “Surely this is none except magic was imitated.
And he said, “This is nothing other than narrated words of magic!”
then said, “This is nothing but magic derived from the ancient,
Then he said "This is nothing but sorcery assumed by Muhammad from the fables of those of old;"
Then he said, 'This is not except transmitted magic.
Then said he: "This is nothing but magic, derived from of old
Then he said, "Not (is) this but magic imitated
Faqala in hatha illa sihrun yu/tharu
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